All you need is one word (or phrase)


2014 – you came so fast! I wasn’t expecting you so soon. Time really does fly when you’re having fun or maybe it’s because I’m getting older? Either way, 2014 is here.

I spent part of my New Year’s Eve in church with my friend, Fatiana, and before service began, we reflected on our last 365 days.  We talked about personal triumphs in our careers, in our love lives (currently – non-existent), our spiritual development, Pledge To Be Bella and so much more. All we could really do is smile and laugh. We’ve come a loooooooong way since 2012 and it feels REALLY REALLY good. Thinking about the fact that we’ve actually done many of the things we said we were going to do is such a proud moment.

As I prepare for 2014 with the mindset of living more intentionally, I wanted to make it a point to have a theme word or phrase for this year. So I decided on the phrase, “Challenge Yourself & Finish”. This year, I want to be challenged. I want to continuously push myself past my perceived limits. I want tougher work outs, better content, better videos, more quality events for Pledge To Be Bella and more complex recipes to cook. All of these things pose a challenge for me being that I’m going back to school and will also be working full-time. But I want the challenge.  Better yet, I need the challenge. Not only that, I want to carry out all my plans. I want to finish what I start. I’ve battled for a long time with starting projects and not finishing them. However, this year, I’m challenging myself to finish.

Through challenges, we grow. We get smarter. We become wiser. We make better decisions. We learn. Isn’t that what life’s all about? On the other side of that challenge is a better you. When I work through these challenges, on the other side, will lie a better me.  That’s the motivation.

Now it’s your turn. All you need is one word (or phrase) that can become the theme for your amazing 2014. Think about it. What’s something you want to do more of this year? Whatever it is, make that the theme for the next 12 months. When you figure out your theme, hang it up in your room, add it to your vision board or write it on your mirror, in case you need a quick reminder. I’m interested in knowing your word (or phrase), share it with me in the comments below!

Happy 2014!

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